Eamoinn Taylor joined Shiree as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in July 2014. As a former DFID country Head, he has an excellent understanding of DFID principles, processes and requirements; he is well used to working closely and pragmatically with government and donors. He also has the advantage of having worked in Bangladesh before.

Najir Ahmed Khan joined EEP as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in September 2014. Previously he worked with CARE, The World Fish Centre, DFID, Oxfam GB, Islamic Relief Worldwide and CORDAID in various capacity as Programme Manager, Coordinator and Adviser. He was desk officer for extreme poverty portfolio in DFID Bangladesh and was involved in the early stage of EEP. He has substantial experience in programme design and management, and worked in a wide range of livelihoods and natural resources management programme in Bangladesh, Sudan, Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya and South Sudan.

Anwar Chowdhury is the Deputy Team Leader and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at EEP/Shiree project under the employment of British Council. Anwar Chowdhury is a strategic and hands-on executive having experiences of over 25 years in international development and challenge fund management. He is associated mainly with strategy formulation, policy making, planning for sector development, output based budgeting, analysis of grants budget, plan of operations, controlling of challenge fund, supervision of country wide development projects under civil societies, public and private sectors. He has extensive background and experience in operations, accounting, auditing, taxation, grants and sub grants management, budgeting of grants, grants negotiations, operations and program management of donor aided projects, national and international NGOs. Anwar has proven experience in developing program supportive financial management systems, activity based budgeting, due diligence assessment, organisational assessment of national and international NGOs, public sector institutions icnluding Department of Public Health, Agricultural Extension, Local Government Division, Rural Development & Cooperatives and Department of Fisheries in Bangladesh. He is well-versed in compliance and grants management procedure for clients including DFID, World Bank, Danida, SDC, Swiss contact/Katalyst and the Government of Bangladesh in the context of local law including NGO Affairs Bureau. Additionally, educational background including a MBA, from Asian Institute of Management (AIM), Philippines, an FCA from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, FCS from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh, Masters in Commerce from Dhaka University have strengthened his ability to lead program implementation, grants administration and management of large donor funded programs in Bangladesh.

S M Zulfiqar Ali is the Head of Advocacy and Research of EEP/Shiree. Formerly he worked with Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) as a researcher. He completed PhD from University of Bath in the UK and has authored many research articles. He co-authored the background paper on extreme poverty for the 7th Five Year Plan of Bangladesh.