Innovation Round 4

Innovation Round 4

Round 4 of the Innovation fund focused on achieving sustainable impacts in the lives of extremely poor people, with a focus on the most vulnerable and socially excluded groups: women, the elderly, the disabled and Adivasis. The mechanisms for the sustainable movement of households out of extreme poverty formed the core of the proposed innovations. A total of 7 NGOs were funded under Round 4, and innovations included: capability-based IGA development to graduate the elderly and the disabled out of extreme poverty; development of innovative agricultural technologies to support climate-sensitive IGA development for vulnerable women; training and employment generation for female construction workers; and supporting indigenous peoples to produce handicrafts and link with handicraft markets. Further information can be found on each individual NGO page:

Ethnic Development Community Organization (Eco-Dev)
Green Hill
Handicap International
HelpAge International
Save the Children
International Development Enterprise (iDE)
Training, Assistance and Rural Advancement Non-Governmental Organisation (TARANGO)
Prip Trust

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