Gender Behavioural Change Modules: Sensitisation on Gender issues is implemented through the Shiree Nutrition Component Behavioural Change modules which were rolled out in the first quarter of 2014. Beneficiary courtyard sessions are conducted with mixed beneficiary groups (including, men, women and adolescents) on a monthly basis, discussions are facilitated by Community Pushti Kormis (CPKs) (Community Nutrition Workers) via the use of flipcharts. Gender sensitive modules include: Stopping Child Marriage, Family Planning, Equal Food Distribution, Equal Access to Health Care and Sharing of Household Work.
Presentation by Gender Adviser and Nutrition Coordinator on “EEP/Shiree Female-Led Gender and Nutrition Behaviour Change Counseling” in a Panel Session with Hellen Keller International on “Gender-Transformative Approaches to Nutrition”
Gender and Nutrition Behavioural Change Flipcharts (BANGLA) (insert link)
Training Manual for Gender and Nutrition Behavioural Change Flipcharts (En)
Training Manual for Gender and Nutrition Behavioural Change Flipcharts (BANGLA) (insert link)