Media reports: shiree on the news

Media reports: shiree on the news

Visit of Andrew Mitchell, Secretary of State in Khulna

The Guardian
January 23, 2012

The ill wind that blew Bainpara towards a more climate resilient future

Bangladesh: life after cyclone Aila – in pictures

Extreme Poverty Day
Eradicating Extreme Poverty: Whose Responsibility Is It?
October 25, 2011

Media monitoring report (pdf 2 MB)

The Independent
November 5, 2011
Extreme Poverty Day

Private sector workshop

The Financial Express
Wednesday August 10, 2011
Experts for private sector engagement to cut poverty

BSS News
August 10, 2011
Private sector growth must to arrest extreme poverty: Seminar

The News Today
Wednesday August 10, 2011
Private sector growth must to arrest extreme poverty

August 10, 2011
Private sector growth must to arrest extreme poverty: Seminar

The Daily Star
August 11, 2011
Analysts stress mobilising private sector to cut poverty

August 11, 2011
প্রতিবন্ধীদের অর্থনীতিতে অবদানের সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে

BSS News
August 12, 2011
Private sector growth must to arrest extreme poverty: Seminar

Daily Sun
August 13, 2011
Private sector growth must to arrest extreme poverty

The Financial Express
August 13, 2011
Private sector growth a must to end extreme poverty: Seminar

The News Today
August 13, 2011
Speakers for growth of pvt sector to arrest poverty

Prothom Alo
August 14, 2011
দারিদ্র্য বিমোচনে ব্যক্তি খাতকে এগিয়ে আসার তাগিদ

MP visit in the South-West

The Daily Star
August 12, 2011
The Power of Political Commitment
Parliamentarians commit to eradicating extreme poverty in the south west coastal belt

MoU signing with Apex

July 15, 2011
Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited to provide jobs for 800 youth

July 16, 2011
Shoe company to employ 800 climate refugees

The Daily Star
July 17, 2011
Shoe company to employ 800 climate refugees

The independent
July 16, 2011
Apex Adelchi Footwear to provide jobs for 800 youth

July 17, 2011
Shoe co to employ 800 climate refugees

News Today
Shoe company to employ 800 climate refugees

Daily Karatoa
গাইবান্ধায় জিইউকে ও এপেক্সের মধ্যে সমঝোতা চুক্তি স্বাক্ষর

Khas land discussion workshop
July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011
Khasland can arrest poverty: Advocates

The Daily Star
July 13, 2011
Give khasland to the landless, Urge speakers

The Independent
July 13, 2011
Khasland can arrest poverty: Advocates

News Today
July 14, 2011
Khasland distribution among poor can arrest poverty

The New Nation
Khas land can arrest poverty

BDNews Online
Give khasland to the landless: Urge speakers

4th Lession Learning Workshop
Reports published on May 4, 2011


Creating livelihoods for urban extreme poor emphasized

New Age
Legal aid bodies for poor at upazilas, unions soon: law minister

Daily Sun
Govt mulls legal aid committee in upazila-union level

Kaler Kantha
শহরে আশ্রয় নেওয়া অতি দরিদ্র মানুষের পাশে দাঁড়ান

The Independent
‘Govt firm to facilitate urban poor’

Financial Express
Creating livelihoods for urban extreme poor emphasised

দৈনিক যুগের আলো
April 11, 2011
চিলমারীতে বিন্দু থেকে বিত্ত

Shiree-The Daily Star Policy Dialogue

Prothom Alo
April 10, 2011
দারিদ্র্য বিমোচনে সর্বাত্মক পদক্ষেপ গ্রহণের তাগিদ

The Daily Star
April 10, 2011
Poverty fight needs blended effortRoundtable told isolated approach not enough

Press briefings
January 27, 2011

Mobilise Resources for the Extreme Poor in Khulna
January 18, 2011

Extreme Poverty Day 2010
Promote Inclusive Cities: Eradicate Extreme Urban Poverty

The Daily Star
November 04, 2010
Call to equip the poor with resources

The Financial Express
November 04, 2010
Population control, decreasing migration to cities to remove urban poverty stressed

Daily Shomokal
November 4, 2010
দারিদ্র্য নির্মূলে গ্রামীণ অর্থনীতি চাঙ্গা করতে হবে

Daily Vorer Kagoj
November 4, 2010
শহরাঞ্চলে দারিদ্র্য বিমোচনে সমাবেশ

Daily Shongbad
November 5, 2010
এনজিও সংস্থা সিঁড়ি ও ইউপিপিআর’র সেমিনার অনুষ্ঠিত

দৈনিক কাফেলা
December 9, 2010
কৃষি খাস জমি প্রকৃত ভূমিহীনদের মাঝে বন্দোবস্ত দেয়ার কাজ যথাযথভাবে করা হচ্ছে

December 8, 2010
কালিগঞ্জে অতিদরিদ্র ভূমিহীন মানুষের অধিকার প্রতিষ্ঠা বিষয়ক সেমিনার

Bangladesh Today
October 19, 2010
Extreme poor with disabilities made self reliant under PFP-Shiree project

New Nation
October 19, 2010
Extreme poor being made self reliant under PFP-Shiree project

Financial Express
October 8, 2010
Fish culture in cage gains popularity in Gaibandha

প্রথম আলো
June 30, 2010
‘…যেন বৃষ্টির পরের আকাশ’

Lauching of Research Paper for Action Against Dowry

The Daily Star
March 23, 2010
Dowry leads to poverty, violance against women

Extreme Poverty Day 2009
Making the invisible visible

The Daily Star
October 19, 2010
All party parliamentary group on extreme poverty soon

The Independent
October 18, 2010
Thurst on collective move to fight extreme poverty

The Daily Star
October 16, 2009
Rescuing the Poorest of the Poor

Media monitoring Q3 2011

Media monitoring Q2 2011

Disclaimer: Some links mentioned above may be unavailabe due to the publishers archiving policy

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